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How Do Different Contraception Methods Affect Your Periods?

In this article, we are going to look at birth control and periods — including what contraception is, why it is used and how it can affect your menstrual cycle. Find out all of this and more with OneWelbeck.
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Prepare your gut for take off: how to avoid tummy troubles on your holidays

Do you have a holiday fast approaching? If so, we're sure you want to avoid gut issues at all cost! The Gut Health Clinic is here to make sure your holiday isn’t ruined by a funny tummy! Going on holiday can have many gut health benefits. From that much-needed relaxation of the gut-brain axis, to the introduction of exciting local delicacies packed with novel plants for your gut microbes to taste. To ensure both you and your gut health win, there are a few tips and tricks.
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How does sleep apnoea impact your health?

Everyone understands the importance of getting a good night's sleep. But, if you have obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), the quality of sleep you're managing to get may not leave you feeling as refreshed as it should be. Over the long term, this lack of quality sleep can negatively impact various areas of your body and your way of life, leading to symptoms like daytime sleepiness, mental health-related issues and an overall weakened immune system. In this article, we'll take a more detailed look at how OSA affects your health and teach you how to control its treatment and management.
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Managing Your Heart Health

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Refer Your Patients Digestive Health

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Older patients with heart attacks should have the same treatment as younger ones

In the field of cardiology, we have developed some amazing treatments: this includes both procedures and medications that can improve patients’ wellbeing and prolong their lives. However, as we get older, the risks posed by treatments and adverse side effects to drugs increases. With our elderly patients, it becomes much more difficult to balance the benefits offered by certain treatments with the risks that they present.
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Is Arthritis Only Present In Older People Or Can Younger Patients Develop It?

Arthritis is a long-term condition that causes inflammation and pain in the joints. It typically affects older people, but it can impact people of all ages, including children — though this is less common. It can be concerning if you believe you’re experiencing signs of arthritis at an early age, but there are treatments out there. This article is going to delve deeper into the causes of arthritis, what the early stages of arthritis can look like, and how common arthritis in young adults really is.
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What to do if You Think You May Have Tennis Elbow

Lateral epicondylitis may be the lesser-known clinical term for the condition, but tennis elbow is a common problem for anyone who has been carrying out intense activity with their forearms. At OneWelbeck, we have a specialist team of orthopaedic and sports medicine consultants who help patients suffering from tennis elbow. If you are looking for treatment for the condition or are wondering if you’re showing some of the symptoms associated with tennis elbow, here is everything you need to know.
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What you need to know about heart valve replacements

The average heart beats 2.5 billion times in a lifetime, and in most people, the valves will continue to function properly throughout your lifespan. However, when they misbehave, they can become narrower which restricts blood flow, or they can leak, which causes backflow of the blood. There are 4 valves in the heart: Aortic, Mitral, Tricuspid and Pulmonary. In adults, the pulmonary valve is the least likely to malfunction. Heart valve replacement is a serious surgery, however with new innovations and less invasive techniques, there are more options available that allow a quicker recovery time post-operation. Dr Iqbal Malik, Consultant Cardiologist at OneWelbeck Heart Health, explains the choices.
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Fatty Liver – what is it and how does it affect you?

Fatty liver is a relatively common condition that we see at OneWelbeck Digestive Health. In this article, Professor Hemant Kocher, Consultant General and HPB (hepato-pancreatic-biliary) Surgeon at OneWelbeck, takes a closer look at fatty liver, what causes it, and the different courses of treatment available.
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